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Casual, West Coast Style

These are a few outfits I see when I think "LA street style." Sure, NYC is known as the fashion capital, & people on the west coast are not as daring with their style, including myself.  But, when I am in need of some inspiration, I usually go to Melrose or 3rd street, where I can take advantage of outdoor seatings of cafe's. I tend to see a lot of basics mixed with designer handbags.  I picked the first image of Kate Bosworth, because lace with light washed denim is a look I've really been loving. Also, I've been meaning to find a denim button down shirt like the second picture, which I also consider a great pick for a casual look.

P.S. I highly recommend coconut cupcakes from Joan's on Third !

Manic Monday

I've got a long week of studying in front of me; next week is midterms, & then after is spring break. Anyways, the weather looks super nice outside my window, & should start getting ready for school now.

cheers, with a cup of coffee xo


Tiny Truths


note to self:

you can't change the past..

California Dreamin'

Yesterday was spent taking advantage of the LA weather.  Although a few orders of ice blendeds at Coffee Bean turned to more than 30 minutes of waiting, (thanks to a big group of teens who kept changing their order) the rest of the day was great :
Browsed shops at the Prominade; The Pier
watched the sunset
followed by dinner and oversized margaritas*

GaGa for the Lady

If you follow me on facebook, you knew this was coming..
I am absoloutly fascinated by Lady GaGa; From her talent, bizarre -yet fresh- originality, & fashion sense.
Although her latest music video for Telephone is highly provocative, you have to admit, she knows how to turn the tables on her audience.  As the "Fame Monster," I think it's safe to say that she is having her cake & eating it too.  The Fame Monster itself is a figurative concept of fame, & fame gone wrong. These polar opposites are portrayed in her allegorical performances and lyrics. Her music videos include the messes, yet satisfy the masses (i.e. GaGa's strange and unreal qualities in the Bad Romance music video, is a crowd pleaser). Although most celebrities change their "image" to fit the standards of the industry & the fanbase, Lady GaGa is an artist who continues to manipulate both the music and fashion industry to fit her own style.  Afterall, Elton John did revise his lyrics to "How wonderful life is when GaGa's in the world," during their duo. Also just to name a few, An iconic designer, such as the late Alexander McQueen, & one of the most well established directors ,Quentin Tarantino, have both been directly involved with her music videos..  It's a new decade, & her influence on pop culture has just started.


"There was this really amazing quality in 'Paparazzi,' where it kind of had this pure pop music quality but at the same time it was a commentary on fame culture. In its own way, even at certain points working with Jonas [Ã…kerlund, the director of both videos] really achieved this high art quality in the way that it was shot. I wanted to do the same thing with this video—take a decidedly pop song, which on the surface has a quite shallow meaning, and turn it into something deeper. There certainly is a Tarantino-inspired quality in the video. I mostly love the way he [Quentin Tarantino] uses different forms to create something new. His direct involvement in the video came from him lending me the P**** Wagon. We were having lunch one day in Los Angeles and I was telling him about my concept for the video and he loved it so much he said, 'You gotta use the P**** Wagon.'"
- L.G.



The faint drops of rain outside my window sound like fingers tapping on a table.  Dominating clouds keep shifting enough to reveal just a glimpse of light blue sky.  Gentle drops turning into sudden thrusts against the roof alone, make me love Sunday afternoons.  Instead of shielding under an umbrella, I'm in the comfort of my room ready to watch the Oscars.  I watch the Academy Awards every year, in appreciation of movies and red carpet fashion. 

The uncertainty of the weather in March -my birthday month-is relevant to me.  My days seem to be in touch with the ambiguous circumstances life has to offer - the calmer drizzles, and the heavier drops.  However, although I'm not a predicting weatherwoman, nor Mother Nature, I do have an umbrella to substain me with just enough support.  This isn't Rihanna's version of an umbrella, it's mine.  It's the sense of awareness in the presence, the suttle efforts of adjustment to a demanding and inconsistent enviornment.  My umbrella consists of the pleasures most comparable to the song, "My Favorite Things" in response to the stormy weather and lighting in the classic, The Sound of Music. 

Simply remember your favorite things, be a little selfish... then you don't feel so bad*

Feel free to share on what comforts you during stormy situations...


sparkles, sequins, fringe, gold, black, & everything in between. Just a few of my favorites from the Fall collection; stunning*
