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Red Vines & Red Cups

 Roman Holiday + Big jar of licorice + magazines = lazy Friday

Starbucks red holiday cups & drinks.

gingerbread cookies; because the holidays are around the corner


On the Go for Van Gogh

I Spent the Sunday afternoon at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, where I enjoyed pieces by artists including Cezanne, Degas, & one of my favorites, Van Gogh. His painting, Mulberry Tree was beyond beautiful in person, & definitly stood out.  The paint strokes & vivid colors portray Van Gogh's immense emotions and his passion for nature. Doors behind the museum lead to a whimsical garden, lily pond, walking area, cafe, & everything necessary for an ideal day outdoors. 

"There may be a great fire in our hearts, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke."

"As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed."

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together."

"Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper is, alas, not so easy as looking at it."

-Vincent Van Gogh

Alexander Wang throws a Party

I love Alexander Wang's designs (He's the one on the left);  Some of my favorite pictures from his party gallery:

via style

Crossing the Lines

"Sometimes it's hard to see the lines we've drawn, until we cross them." Gossip Girl*

In today's episode of Gossip Girl, this line caught my attention.  Sometimes the mistakes we make - the lines we cross - help us realize the bigger picture.  The epiphany we experience makes up for the aversive situations we may have faced & continue to face.  Personally, I am my worst critic; The flawed decisions and circumstances I have encountered seem to always trigger my memory.  However, learning to cope & adapt with current events in life helps make up for all the lines I've crossed and criss-crossed.  Embracing an obstacle with motivation is one step closer to seeing the lines we've drawn & the highlited lines we're wanting to cross. Just saying.

via weheartit

Leather, Lace & Floral

Natalia Bogdanova pulls off an LV speedy with a leather jacket & Iekeline Stange, is wearing one of the cutest outfits. I love LACE tops & am in need of one..
source: altamira nyc

Heath Ledger's Darlings

Michelle Williams & Matilda Ledger always have the cutest pictures together. If this picture doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will..


Some Poloroid wanna-be's


It's on with Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung's mix of vintage, femine & boyish pieces is what I love about her style. Here's one of her in Versace; The color and the simplicity of the accessories are ideal.


find me at melrose & faifax